Justin TV
There's a certain kind of ballsy self-assurance to justin.tv.
This is a guy who has strapped a camera to his and wears it 24/7. Everywhere. As he puts it:
You follow him everywhere. (He just finished a long date, for instance, as I type this, and is walking home.)
It's oddly fascinating -- it makes you hunger for an editor, on one hand, but also appreciate the reality of it all. Give it a shot.
This is a guy who has strapped a camera to his and wears it 24/7. Everywhere. As he puts it:
Justin wears the camera 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even in the bathroom. Even on a date.
You follow him everywhere. (He just finished a long date, for instance, as I type this, and is walking home.)
It's oddly fascinating -- it makes you hunger for an editor, on one hand, but also appreciate the reality of it all. Give it a shot.
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