Let Me Flip All of The Cards Over...

Quite the world traveller aren't I?
For fun (and a few business meetings) I'll be heading to London (in merrie olde England) on July 1 (I absolutely must stop dropping parenthetical expressions in so regularly) (soon).
This trip is mostly vacation and a sort of congratulatory trip for my daughter's high school graduation (made all the easier by the fact that someone else is paying for my flight) (and there are those damned parentheses again) (damn!!). We'll spend a week there and then I'll zip onto Amman to start teaching the next day. It will be a kind of 290/507, which only people who have been through the USC Film program will know what I'm talking about. When I finish at the end of July, I'll come back for two days and then head out to a conference in Chicago where I'm speaking on several panels. This will be followed by a bit less than a week in New York (NYC and Annandale-on-Hudson) to drop my daughter off at college.
After that, starting school here in mid-August will seem like a dream!
I'm really looking forward to this since I've never been in that part of the world. It will great for me and, I hope, good for both the Jordanian students and (at some point in the future, when I get out of these parentheses) for USC students, who might get a chance to do some exchange program work there.
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep blogging (I can hear a number of you pleading for dial-up only in my hotel) so you can see some of what I see.
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