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Location: Los Angeles, CA

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina Help Sites

Here, borrowed from the CNN web site (there are more organizations listed there), are a list of sites that you can click through or call to donate money to support the victims of Katrina. I don't know which ones pass through more of your money than others. Let me know if you know. Some sites may respond slowly due to hopefully increased traffic.

• Network for Good

• American Red Cross -- (800) HELP-NOW

• Feed the Children -- (800) 525-7575

• Salvation Army -- (800) SAL-ARMY

• America's Second Harvest -- (877) 817-2307

• Catholic Charities USA -- (800) 919-9338

• B'nai B'rith International -- (888) 388-4224

• MercyCorps -- (800) 852-2100

• Habitat for Humanity -- (866) 720-2800

• The United Way -- (800) 272-4630

• The Baton Rouge Area Foundation -- (877) 387-6126

• Society of St. Vincent de Paul

• Samaritan’s Purse -- (800) 665-2843

• Save the Children -- (800) 728-3843

• International Medical Corps -- (800) 481-4462

• American Friends Service Committee -- (888) 588-2378

• AmeriCares -- (800) 486-4357

• International Aid -- (800) 251-2502

• International Medical Corps -- (800) 481-4462

• Hurricane housing