It's All Over For Post Secret
Oh well, it's officially all over. They’ve been discovered. Within months they’ll sell the site for 65 million dollars to some Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists.
"Whizzing and pasting and pooting through the day"
American Cities That Best Fit You: |
60%     New York City |
55%     Chicago |
50%     Honolulu |
50%     Los Angeles |
45%     Atlanta |
"We can give ourselves every excuse for people not showing up - change in population, the demographic, sequels, this and that - but people just want good movies."It's real easy to dump on Hollywood, for lack of imagination and a plethora of sequels.
I was reading IMDB news this morning (okay, the gossipy celebrity part) when i was reminded of a great film from editing class, the immortal TOO YOUNG TO DIE or as Norm often put it, TOO YOUNG TO DIE?
The answer after three semesters is, "No, no not really."
That poor chubby guy from LA LAW. He was really trying very hard with his bad accent and little bow tie. Still we all mercilessly cut that one line (You sure do look pretty in that dress...) to make him look like the creepy biycle shop owner from that very special episode of DIFFERENT STROKES (Dudley! Don't take off your shirt!)
Other immortal lines from editing class:
- What are you? Circus cop?
- Yeah, yeah that's me, flying James Martinez!
- He's a flaming asshole!
- Zero bubble, mark your depth.
- Jessie, you can come out now.
And, of course, Remy from YOUNG INDIANA JONES (as he hit a Nazi with a stick):
- No, we do not!
Worst sidekick ever. We did have a lot of fun though. The semester i was in that class was one of the best groups of people and the most fun classroom experience I had at SC. Marc, Amelia, Sara G., Tracee, Dzuban, Ron, John Paul, Liz, Jeremy and Heather, looking back, it really was a talented group.
With the knowledge that Lars von Trier has never been to America, journalists this morning asked the filmmaker to address his reasons for pursuing a trilogy of films set in the United States. "America is a big subject because such a big part of our lives have to do with America," he said, "I must say, I feel there could just as well be American military in Denmark. We are a nation under influence and under a very bad influence... because Mr. Bush is an asshole and doing very idiotic things." Continuing, he reflected on the U.S. dominacnce [sic] over other countries and culture. "America is sitting on our world, I am making films that have to do with America (because) 60% of my life is America. So I am in fact an American, but I can't go there to vote, I cant change anything. I am an American, so that is why I make films about America."Wow, it doesn't get any better than that.
Every single short that they showed was A+ material. I mean, I watch a lot of short films on IFC and iFilm and what not, and these fucking shorts blew them all outta the water. If you woulda put them on a DVD and told me they were professional short films, I would have belived every word you told me.
[Unpaid plug. If you are a film student, film fan, or filmmaker and live on the west side of Los Angeles and don't march over to the Aero on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica and sign up for the American Cinematheque , then you are poseur who should be hung from the neck until dead.]
Plot Summary for The Last Movie (1971)
A film shoot in Peru goes badly wrong when an actor is killed in a stunt, and the unit wrangler, Kansas, decides to give up film-making and stay on in the village, shacking up with local prostitute Maria. But his dreams of an unspoiled existence are interrupted when the local priest asks him to help stop the villagers killing each other by re-enacting scenes from the film for real because they don't understand movie fakery...
Baseball is the only sport that I ever really gave a damn about (I really
really tried with curling, I really did) and now the Yankees -- my one
and only Yankees -- are busy watching themselves circle the bottom of the
toilet. It's enough to make you give up sports altogether and go watch
HAROLD AND KUMAR one more time.
When I was growing up in New York City, there were two choices -- the
Yankees or the Marvelous Mets. The Yankees were The Dynasty. The Mets were
the lovable klutzes who had their own foibles and, like the simple cousin
who you go visit because "he'll really appreciate it darling." you'd go to
see them play because they didn't have the flavor that the Yanks, even then,
In an odd way, it was the Bronx Bombers who were the underdogs in my Queens
No wonder, then, that I rooted for the Yanks and fell asleep at Shea
You know the old saying that the best age of music is your teens. Well,
once bitten by the Yankee bug there was no way I could transfer my
allegiance to the Dodgers or Angels (no matter what the hell they're
calling themselves these days) when I moved out here fifteen years ago.
So, I've stuck with the Steinbrenner Yankees through thick and thin. I
braved the angry slings and arrows of baseball fans who rightly pointed out
that anyone could buy themselves a team, because I pointed out that
the Dodgers had tried but couldn't. I successfully stayed the course, even
when it was correctly pointed out to me that no one could run a team like
ol' George and get results (because he did). I even suffered through the
years where Joe Torre was treated as a God, and thrown into product
endorsements that it was clear his charisma-challenged personality should
have warned him against doing.
However, now it's too horrible, too grating. I don't want to be a rat
deserting a sinking limo here, but it's kind of like the Lakers this past
year. The absolute fun is gone. Not the fun of winning (though that also
went away) but the fun of playing. Now, I'm totally aware that baseball is
a business, just like filmmaking is a business. But it's also a love, just
like filmmaking. You need to have the Derek Jeter/Steve Soderbergh passion
enthusiasm. And it's just not there this year. I don't see it on the team
and I didn't see it in OCEAN'S TWELVE either.
Hmmmm, I seem to have wandered very far afield here, trapping myself in the
metaphor morass. Let me extricate myself.
Ah, there. Now I feel better.
In any case, business though it is, these guys used to like to play
together. This year it's like that episode of THE TWILIGHT ZONE where
Jonathan Winters has to return from the dead in order to continue to fend
off the challengers to his title as top pool hustler. It's tough being the
Dynasty. Everyone always wants to pick you off. Maybe a few years off the
beaten track, without everyone assuming you're going to kick ass because
you're from the Yankees, will be the best thing for them.
Hell, I know it would work for me.